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Sarah Ovvens

Eclipsed Soul Rubaiyat Digital book 8

Eclipsed Soul Rubaiyat Digital book 8

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In the chilling final installment of the Rubaiyat series, "Eclipsed Soul," Kate teeters on the brink of utter darkness. The sinister grip of Satanism tightens around her, and the boundary between the tangible and the supernatural shatters. With every step, she feels the breath of ancient evil on her neck, and the weight of her impending doom presses heavier.

The enigmatic Rubaiyat, an ancient Persian poetry book, weaves through her nightmares and waking hours. Its cryptic verses offer both salvation and damnation, their meanings obscured by shadows. Kate must decode these sinister whispers to uncover the key to her survival, but each revelation plunges her deeper into the abyss.

Samuel, the last person Kate holds dear, stands as a fragile beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness. Yet, he too is ensnared by the demon’s relentless pursuit. Will Samuel become another casualty, or can he and Kate decipher the Rubaiyat's secrets to banish the demon once and for all? Their bond is tested as never before, with every moment bringing them closer to a deadly end.

But as they grapple with these otherworldly horrors, a more insidious terror lurks beneath the surface—a truth so devastating it threatens to shatter their very souls. The ultimate battle between light and dark culminates in a spine-chilling climax, where every choice could mean life or a fate worse than death.

"Eclipsed Soul" masterfully blends mystery and horror, drawing readers into a labyrinth of fear, suspense, and haunting revelations. Will Kate and Samuel emerge victorious, or will the shadows claim them forever? Brace yourself for a gripping and unforgettable conclusion to the Rubaiyat series, where the final page promises either redemption or eternal night.

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